Wonder | Investigate | Learn | Discover
Wonder, Investigate, Learn and Discover the WILD way!
In partnership with City of Corvallis Parks & Recreation and the Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis, Corvallis Environmental Center is excited to offer WILD at Lincoln, Garfield, and Wilson Elementary afterschool programs.
Once per week throughout the school year, students will have the opportunity to:
Collect data like scientists to answer questions about our local natural community, species and their habitats
Explore Earth’s systems and how we impact them with our everyday actions
Learn about the function and importance of our local ecosystems and natural resources
Build awareness and connection to our environment, shaping responsible stewardship
Interact with a variety of live animals including snakes, bullfrogs, millipedes and more!
For more information, please contact programs@corvallisenvironmentalcenter.org