Camp Policies and Procedures
Behavior Policy
It is expected that our campers be safe, be respectful, and be kind to each other and to their teachers. If a child is consistently making it difficult for others to focus because of their behavior, or if they are causing a safety concern for themselves or for other students, teachers will first connect with parents/ guardians to create a plan for success for the following day. If that does not prove successful, the Program Coordinator will determine the next appropriate steps. In order to provide the safest and highest quality programming, participants, their family members, and our staff are expected to act in a way that is respectful to nature, all adults, and all children. Violations of this include but are not limited to:
● Actions that intentionally cause physical or emotional harm to another person
● Destruction of property (private or public)
● Inability to follow directions given by CEC program staff or follow program rules
● Disruptive behavior Intentional physical or emotional harm of another person will result in immediate dismissal from the program and parents/guardians will be notified for pick-up.
Violations may be documented by staff in CEC Incident Reports, a copy can be provided if requested by the participant’s parent/guardian. Depending on frequency and/or severity of the violation, participants may be asked to completely withdraw from all of CEC's programs. This is at the discretion of the program senior staff (Program Coordinator or Executive Director).
Program Requirements
Participants will be asked to keep their backpacks with them at all times. We suggest bringing the following items, all labeled with their name (please make sure your student can carry their backpacks):
● 1-2 extra masks if masks being used. They tend to get wet or dirty and it is nice to have extra to change into.
● 1-2 filled water bottles
● Sturdy, closed-toe shoes- This applies during all activities, including water activities. Crocs, sandals, and flip flops are not considered safe for camp as they fall off easily.
● A packed lunch (if program is longer than 3 hours)
● Morning snacks
● Afternoon snacks. We will be active all day!
● Weather-appropriate clothes- Students must be prepared to be outside for all of the day.
● Sunscreen, which must be applied at or prior to drop-off and kept with your student during the day. Students will be reminded to apply their own sunscreen throughout the day. Please provide sunscreen that they can apply themselves.
● A small towel, change of clothes, and bag for wet clothes- we may get wet and just in case!
Registration and Financial Policies
The date a program registration closes will be posted on each program description (typically closes on Sunday, a week before the program starts by 11:00 pm / subject to change) If a program is full, families will be able to sign up for the waitlist within their account and will receive an automatic notification when a position becomes available.
Payment of Program(s)
Registration for programs is NOT secured until payment is made. For our camp programs, payment in full for the week of camp is required to complete the registration process. If payment is not established before closing the browser, the camp spot is not secured. You will be asked to pay at the end of the registration process and will be able to enter either a credit card or automatic funds transfer (bank’s terminology: ACH). ACH is our preferred method of payment because transaction fees are considerably less since it is funds transferred from a bank to a bank. The savings will go directly to our nature-based outdoor programs. You will receive a confirmation of the registration and payment to the email of the primary account holder.
Cancellations and Refunds
For all camps, summer preschool, and school's out adventures. If you must cancel your registration, please follow the link in your registration confirmation email to access your account. A refund is available minus a $25 processing fee, if cancellation is made 10 days prior to the start date of the program by 11:00 p.m.
If cancellation is attempted after this deadline, the payment is non-refundable; and no refunds after a program session begins. In the case of a serious medical emergency such as a broken limb or a trip to the hospital, a credit will be given toward future programs. A fever, cold, COVID, or other general illness does not qualify as a medical emergency. No refunds will be given for any weather/natural disaster-related program closures, e.g., earthquakes, floods, wildfire smoke, excessive heat or cold, etc.
COVID Policy
CEC follows local and State guidance for COVID-19 safety. Program schedules, topics, and format are subject to change due to COVID impacts and current guidance. In accordance with current local COVID guidelines, all staff and children ages 5+ are welcome, but not required, to wear a face covering. For current guidance check the Benton County and State of Oregon Covid web pages. Safety Policy and Procedures Hold Harmless The parent/guardian will certify at registration that they understand and assume the risk of participation in this program. The guardian, heirs, and assigns, will agree to waive, release and forever discharge any claim for injury or damage, and hold harmless the Corvallis Environmental Center, it's officers and employees against any claim, loss, liability or expenses including attorney's fees, resulting directly, indirectly from participation.
Medical Information
Medical information is required to be filled out at registration for any child attending a CEC program. This information is considered private records and is not shared outside of the organization. These records are kept within the registration database and not accessible to anyone outside of the organization. Incident Reports Incident Reports are filled out by CEC staff, interns, or volunteers within 24 hrs of an incident occurring. Forms will be filed for the following events:
● Physical restraint of a child to prevent injury to the child, other children, staff, intern, or volunteer. ● Major behavioral incident that results in child's removal from the program
● Major injuries resulting from program participation.
● Absence of breath or heartbeat
● Injury from fire, natural disaster, forced entry, or threat of entry. A copy of the form can be emailed to the parent or guardian upon request.
Sign In / Sign Out
A parent or guardian (or person they designate in the registration process) will sign a child in upon arrival to program and out at the end of each program. ID may be requested at pick up. Roaming Child Staff keep all children within eyesight but if a child strays from the group and not found, CEC staff search for the child and inform the parents/guardians. Emergency responders will be contacted if necessary, following these procedures: Staff search for the missing child near the area where the child was last seen, while one educational staff member ensures that all other enrolled children stay in a central, easily supervised location. If the child is not recovered after 15 minutes, authorities will be contacted by calling 9-1-1 and the missing child’s parent/guardian will be contacted immediately. First Aid Staff will have access to a well-maintained first aid kit when leading a group of children. Staff will provide basic first aid to enrolled students, staff members, parents, and volunteers when necessary. Given the nature of the CEC’s outdoor educational programs: Bumps, bruises, and scrapes or “small injuries” may occur. Injuries beyond this scope will be reported on an incident report and a copy will be provided to the enrolled child’s parent/guardian. CPR All educational staff are CPR and first aid trained while employed with the CEC. Epi-pen If a child has an epi-pen to treat their allergies parents/guardians must declare this at registration. Staff do not carry epi-pens. Parents/Guardians Behavior Parents or Guardians are required to communicate their child’s arrival and removal from any program each day. Parents/Guardians are asked to act in a way that is respectful to nature and respectful to others while in and around the vicinity of the CEC educational programs. Neglecting to follow these safety guidelines will result in potential removal of the child from the program.
Illness/ Injury
Enrolled children should be of good health while attending educational programs. The parent/guardian may be asked to attest on check-in that their child is symptom free. The following procedures will be observed:
● If an enrolled child sustains an injury at a CEC program that prevents him or her from completing normal activities during class, then a staff member will contact the parent/guardian to arrange for the child to be picked up.
● If an enrolled child has a fever that is at or above 100.0° F, a staff member will contact a parent/guardian to arrange for the child to be picked up. A child must be fever-free for 24 full hours prior to returning to a CEC educational program.
● If a child vomits or has watery stool more than one time in the day, the student could have a contagious infection and should go home.
● If a student has very red nose with yellow green mucus, they should stay home.
● If a student has a very sore throat with no cold symptoms, they should stay home.
Mandated Reporting of Suspected Abuse/Neglect
As mandatory reporters, CEC employees and volunteers will be alert to the physical and emotional state of all children participating in programs and are legally required to report injuries or suspected abuse/neglect to DHS. Emergency Preparedness The educational programs of the CEC will follow evacuation and safety procedures in the event of an emergency, in order to maintain a calm and safe environment for the enrolled students, staff, parents, and volunteers until the emergency has passed or until all enrolled children have been released to their parents/guardians. The procedures are as follows:
● In the event of an emergency, staff will observe the emergency exit maps located at each exit if inside a building. Children will be calmly evacuated to the established evacuation site. An educational staff member will exit the building with the sign-in/out forms, parent contact/student medical release forms, and a first aid kit. Authorities and parents will be notified by staff as soon as possible. When applicable, the support staff will be responsible for calling and directing emergency authorities for assistance. Staff will maintain a safe environment by maintaining a calm presence and will take attendance regularly and ensure constant supervision of enrolled children.
● In the event of a true emergency, children will be reunited with families when the educational staff agree it is safe to release children to their families, after consulting with emergency responders when applicable. Until that point, children are to remain in the care of the CEC staff. For programs held in or near Avery House Nature Center: evacuation site is Lion’s Shelter Pavilion. Secondary evacuation site: Lion’s Shelter parking lot.
● For programs at SAGE in Starker Arts Park the primary site location is Sunset Park 4567 SW Country Club Dr Secondary site location: Old Mill Center 1650 SW 45th Place.
● In the event of a minor fire: The children will be evacuated, and a staff member will extinguish the fire. The Avery House Program's fire extinguishers are located at the North ramp door and upstairs between the two offices.
● In the event of a major fire: The children will be evacuated to the established evacuation site and 911 will be called. Parents/guardians will be notified for pick up.
Natural Disaster Earthquake
All adults and children are to drop, cover, and hold on. Once the earthquake has passed, all enrolled children, staff, parents, and volunteers will evacuate to the on-site evacuation location. If the scene is not safe, the senior staff will move staff and children to the nearest safe location and call emergency services. Severe Weather and Flood In the event of severe weather and flooding, senior staff will be responsible for determining if the present location is safe. If it is safer to remain where they are, senior staff will keep staff and children in the present location until it is safe to release children and staff to travel home. If it is safer to leave, evacuate higher ground if needed, and wait until it is safe to release staff and children to travel home. The support staff will call parents/guardians to arrange pick up once it is safe to travel home. Transportation Transportation of students may occur on occasion for the purposes of field trips utilizing rental services providing busses with drivers. Dismissal/Withdrawal Adverse behaviors by parents, enrolled children, staff, or volunteers may result in immediate dismissal or withdrawal from any given program. Such a dismissal/withdrawal is to be determined at the discretion of the educational program’s senior staff and Executive Director. Any family who is withdrawn from an educational program due to misconduct on behalf of the enrolled child or that child’s family member will not receive a refund.