Preschool Registration and Financial Policies
School Year Schedule and Tuition
NaturePlay AM Schedule Options
NaturePlay AM class is from 9am- 12pm, not including extended care. Families can choose to enroll for 5, 3, or 2 days per week.
5 days: Mon-Fri - $576/ month (10% discount)
3 days: Mon, Wed, Fri - $384/ month
2 days: Tu, Th - $256/ month
We can occasionally accommodate alternate schedule requests. Please email us to inquire.
Extended Care
Families may choose an optional 1 hour extended care: Early Birds or Squirrel Munch Lunch. You may choose one extended care option, not both.
Early Birds: 8-9am - $6/day
Squirrel Munch Lunch: 12-1pm - $6/day
Niños de la Naturaleza PM Schedule
Bilingual NaturePlay PM is from 1:00- 4:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
2 days: Tu, Th - $256/ month
Students cannot attend AM and PM class on the same day. However, Squirrel Lunch Bunch extended care may be a helpful option!
The Corvallis Environmental Center is using a new platform for registration. If you haven’t already, a family account will need to be created and will save your family’s information for future program registration.
Register for a program either from our website or your account
Create a new account, if you haven’t already or use the email address that was used to create your family’s account by selecting “Returning User”
After signing into your account, click on the reservations tab
Click on the explore sessions button to see what programs are available
Please note that only the programs for your child’s age group will be visible
Registration for a program will close the Monday before the program starts by 11:00pm
For example, if the program starts Wednesday, May 18, 2022 registration will close Monday, May 9th, 2022
If a program is full, families will be able to sign up for the waitlist within their account and will receive an automatic notification when a position becomes available.
Payment Policy
Registration for the school year and/or Caterpillar Camps are NOT secured until we receive a payment to hold your spot.
Credit Card or ACH is available
Pay online at the time of registration using a credit card or automatic funds transfer (bank’s terminology: ACH). ACH is our preferred method of payment because it saves us from having to pay transaction fees since it is directly from a bank to a bank. You will be prompted to pay after registration.
NaturePlay school year
NaturePlay tuition is now offered as a monthly payment plan on our new registration platform. Tuition is based on the number of days your child attends per week (see AM and PM class schedule options). An email will be sent to preschool families in September and again in January requesting the payment plan be set up for that year by following a link to the registration platform. For example: September 2022 set up will be for Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec payments, and January 2023 set up for Jan/Feb/March/April/May payments.
The tuition amount will be the same each month except December, which is half of your usual monthly payment, and no payment is due in June. This accounts for all holidays. The payment plan is set up each month in the first week.
There is a one-time annual registration & supply fee of $100 for either AM or PM class. This non-refundable fee secures your enrollment and is due at the time of registration. There is no registration fee for summer Caterpillar Camps.
Caterpillar Camps
Pay online at the time of registration using a credit card or automatic funds transfer (bank’s terminology: ACH). ACH is our preferred method of payment because it saves us from having to pay transaction fees since it is directly from a bank to a bank. You will be prompted to pay after registration.
Cancellations and Refunds
NaturePlay School Year
NaturePlay Preschool is staffed according to our monthly registrations and pre-planned, therefore missed days for sickness, vacation, or extreme weather conditions cannot be refunded. Registration is for the length of the school year or an otherwise agreed-upon time.
If you need to cancel your enrollment, please provide 30 days written/emailed notice (required). Upon written notice, you will receive your prorated invoice for the balance due. The annual $100 registration fee is non-refundable.
Caterpillar Camps
If you must cancel your registration, please follow the link in your registration confirmation email to access your account with us.
Full refunds are available if cancellation is made 1 full week prior to the camp (the Monday before the camp by 10:00 p.m.)
If cancellation is attempted after this deadline, the camp payment is non-refundable; and no refunds after a 5-week camp session begins
In the case of a serious medical emergency such as a broken limb or a trip to the hospital, a credit will be given toward future programs. A fever, cold, covid or other general illness does not qualify as a medical emergency.
No refunds will be given for any weather/natural disaster-related camp closures, e.g., earthquakes, floods, excessive heat, etc.